diff --git a/tutorials/CreateFirstuALLapp/pom.xml b/tutorials/CreateFirstuALLapp/pom.xml
index 1fad7773da06cbfedc4665bca25ccceedbd1dccd..5a208e5693115371530d2c64a09a088d67728753 100644
--- a/tutorials/CreateFirstuALLapp/pom.xml
+++ b/tutorials/CreateFirstuALLapp/pom.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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-  <groupId>kostas</groupId>
-  <artifactId>kostas</artifactId>
+  <groupId>org.universAAL.tools.tutorials</groupId>
+  <artifactId>D36-A-Tutorial</artifactId>
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 					<!--  Where the .xml file is located for the tutorial  -->
 					<!--  <sourceDirectory>${basedir}/DocBook</sourceDirectory> !-->
-					<includes>book.xml</includes>
+					<includes>ProposalForRevisedStructure.xml</includes>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3521b8a9aedcb506dbe58645bf8e8bf8277da17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/CreateFirstuALLapp/src/main/resources/DocBook/ProposalForRevisedStructure.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<book version="4.5" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
+      xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+      xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
+      xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">
+	<info>
+		<title>Creating a first uAAL application</title>  
+		<author>
+			<personname>uAAL consurtium</personname>
+		</author>
+		<db:copyright>
+			<db:holder>universAAL</db:holder>
+    		<db:year>2011</db:year>
+    	</db:copyright>
+ 	</info>
+	<chapter id="Chapter1" xmlns:db="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
+    	<title>Introduction</title>
+    	<para> Like agreed in the telco I will give in the following an overview about the structure of this tutorial like I have in mind.
+    	Here we have to consider the dependencies to D2.4-A as well as the work already done in the Wiki-pages. In general my suggestion
+    	is not only to describe separated tools and repeat the same captions for everyone. We must embed the usage of the tools in a story
+    	that give a reader the possibility to not only understand how a special tools will works, but also how it is embedded in the content
+    	of the development process of universAAL</para>
+    	<para>In the following I give the main chapters that fits my understanding, as well as the subchapters I propose and some comments about
+    	the possible content. Feel free to add additional comments to all bullets and please give me feedback about your thoughts. Then we can
+    	distribute rest of the work to be done. If I understand right you have only tomorrow left to work on this? If yes, simply do want you
+    	can in this short time and I will add the rest.</para>
+    	<para>The introductions should give a general overview about universAAL and the available tools. I suggest the following points to be
+    	part of this</para>
+    	<db:itemizedlist>
+			<db:listitem>Short overview about scope and basics of universAAL</db:listitem>
+			<db:listitem>Special purposes of this tutorial</db:listitem>
+			<db:listitem>Links to also available recources for information (like D2.4 and Wiki-Pages)</db:listitem>
+		</db:itemizedlist>
+	</chapter>
+	<chapter>
+    	<title>Technical Overview</title>
+    	<para>In this chapter we include all the basic techical stuff that is the same for all tools. To this I would count the following:</para>
+    	<db:itemizedlist>
+    		<db:listitem>List of needed soft- and hardware to run this examples</db:listitem>
+			<db:listitem>Links that explain how to install universAAL, Eclipse and plugin-in's for Eclipse,
+						but refer more or less to D2.4 and available tutorials in the web. Here we can also use your part about the installer</db:listitem>	
+			<db:listitem>Detailed install hints to every tool (can also be taken for your previous work</db:listitem>
+			<db:listitem>Spend some word about the basic idea of an uAAL application (as OSGi bundle) and what is about uStore and
+			developer depot</db:listitem>
+		</db:itemizedlist>
+	</chapter>
+	<chapter>
+    	<title>Usage of the tools</title>
+    	<para>Here we are going to explain what we want to build using the tools of universAAL and build it up by using them. Some tools
+    	are not developed currently, but I think we should already mention them below and give them a place in the development-process.
+    	Maybe not all tools are important (for example the transformation tools are only in "idea phase" and not design), but for the
+    	most the usage is quite clear and it make sense to give them a place for D3.6-B already.</para>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>What we are going to do</title>
+    		<para>We refer to D2.4 and and give hints to the existing code example of the lighting example. But before we
+    		spend some general word about what should be the goal of the example (we want control lightsources in a distributed
+    		system, therefore we need a server and a client, ....).</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Build up a new project</title>
+    		<para>Here we can explain the creation of a new project by using the appropriate plugin. We need to build two projects
+    		here, one for the server and one for the client. Still remember to not go into details about server and client,
+    		that has been done in D2.4. Here we only explain why and how we build this projects and give names to them using the tool.</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Add items</title>
+    		<para>This is the section where we will explain the usage of the Project and Item Wizards. Here we can reuse what we already have
+    		from the wiki and the current version of the tutorial. We need to add a service to control the light-sources to the service project.
+    		So we will use the tool the add the appropriate service and name it according to the existing example from D2.4. We should mention
+    		the basic methods and creation of service-profiles, but since we are currently have no tools that support this step we should once
+    		more refer to the according chapter of 2.4 in the end.</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Add items</title>
+    		<para>This is the section where we will explain the usage of the Project and Item Wizards. Here we can reuse what we already have
+    		from the wiki and the current version of the tutorial. We need to add a service to control the light-sources to the service project.
+    		So we will use the tool the add the appropriate service and name it according to the existing example from D2.4. We should mention
+    		the basic methods and creation of service-profiles, but since we are currently have no tools that support this step we should once
+    		more refer to the according chapter of 2.4 in the end.</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Conformance</title>
+    		<para>Explain how we are plaing to integrate the conformance tool, what basic functionality we would like to integrate
+    		and how it can help us now to verify that the created programm in the step before (Server and Client project)is correct.</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Deployment</title>
+    		<para>Also here we should explain the idea of the deployment tool in a nutshell and spend some word about deployment to 
+    		developer depot and using uStore.</para>
+    	</section>
+    	<section>
+    		<title>Configuration Tool</title>
+    		<para>This tool partially already exists. The basic idea is to extract parameters for application configuration out of
+    		java annotations. The usage of this tool must be also a part of this tutorial. Currently the lighting example have no
+    		parameter for configuration, but we can extend it and add for example the location of the lightsources to make this clear.</para>
+    	</section>
+	</chapter>
+	<chapter>
+	<title>Summary</title>
+		<para>Reflect what we have done during this tutorial. Make a summary about the whole story and point out the basic aspects.
+		Also have look at what really exists currently and what is in plannung.</para>
+	</chapter>